9 months…already


Where did the time go…Bean has been here for 9 months (9.5 actually)!

I can barely remember what life was like without him…except that I got more sleep! Who needs sleep when I get to witness him grow each and every day?!  So what’s new with our 9 month-old?

Well, he’s has 4 teeth and he’s using those teeth and gums to eat solids…his current favorite is sweet potato fries sprinkled with cinnamon made by Mommy.  He also LOVES celery just like his Dad.  He has quickly learned how to pick up his food and get it in his mouth (most of the time).  It’s crazy to think he was just learning to eat pureed food just a few months ago!


We’re still breastfeeding…even with his teeth.  He hasn’t bitten me in a while (knock on wood), but it is difficult to keep his attention while nursing.  He has such a thirst for exploration and it’s exciting to watch and engage with him as he learns the world around him.

Bean has become quite the socialite with 4 birthday parties under his belt in the last two weekends!  He loves being around other kiddies and has started taking his first few steps!  He’s really on the move and I know things will never be the same.


He’ll be up and running soon…literally!  Until next time




8 Comments Add yours

  1. You’ve got an adorable little guy there!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. He is adorable! I think 9 months is such a fun age and way to go for still breastfeeding!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! Breastfeeding has been a journey…just following his lead at this point lol


  3. creamandsugarplz says:

    A life with a baby is definitely fun and exhausting. He seems to be doing all the things a little man should be doing at nine months. Enjoy him while he’s still your little baby.


    1. Great advice. I’m trying to soak in all the moments…he’s growing so quickly!


  4. emmanuellacoste512 says:

    Emmanuel at http://www.teach512.com. Found your blog on Start A Money Making Blog, nice.
    Amazing how fast they grow up isn’t it.


    1. Yes, I wish I could pause certain moments!


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