Cherry Blossom Training

Yes, yes, I’m still running. Although, it’s a loose definition of running (run, jog, walk, hobble combo).  My pace has plummeted in the past few weeks and there is a fine line between feeling humbled and feeling defeated.  I’m grateful for my running support crew because I may have quietly quit training a while ago.  With that said, I’m ready to take the next leap in accountability by announcing that I’m running (somewhat) the Cherry Blossom 10 miler.
I ran this race last year and I’ve been assured that the cold and windy flurries were an anomaly.  The major pro…it’s a fairly flat race (my relationship with hills isn’t so great these days).  The other major pro…I’ve run this race before and have since run part of the route before.  I’m hoping to get lost in the scenery and the cheers instead of how weighed down I feel while running.    Last major pro…the medals were dope last year!
The race is just a month away..time is flying.  No PRs will be set, but I want to finish what I started.  I’m just past 6 miles for my long runs with hopes to push a little further this weekend.  These miles…are coming.


What is your goal this month?  How do you stay focused?

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